American Idol - 2008 . . . David Archuletta / Ramiele Malubay

My other half is an avid American Idol fan. I am not, although occasionally I sneak a peek when I am tapping away on my laptop.
Something intriguing is happening in Idol among the contestants. Front runner is David Archuletta, a fresh faced talented 17 year old with a manufactured constant smile. Every mother would like to scoop him up in their arms and hug him !
His draw back is that he has a "theatrical father from hell" Jeff Archuletta who manipulates David's every move during every second of his waking day. He influences Davids song choice and brings his son to tears when he doesn't perform according to his fathers expectations. . . whata guy! whata moron!
I hope it wont happen, but eventually this behaviour could put paid to his sons chances of winning because according to many blog sites people are being turned off by the thought of the fathers manic activities.
Another front runner is Ramiele Malubay a charming Filipino girl with an obvious powerful voice but as yet has not shown us what she is really capable of. Her idol is Regine Valasquez an amazing Filipino International singer. . . and my other half a big Regine fan is praying that Ramiele will choose a Regine song to show what she is really made of.
Ramiele sung Heart's "Alone" (a classic rock ballad) when she was ill and never really nailed it. By chance we trolled You Tube and found two versions of "Alone" by other Filipino Singers, one amateur and one a 14 year old known in the Philippines and America through the Ellen Degeneres Show. Here are the links . . go listen and be amazed by talent which if harnessed and trained would give American Idol contestants a real run for their money., Also be amazed that Charice can deliver and nail the song even with the distraction of her family laying the dinner table around her as she sings ha ha . . and Marielle . . no mic !
Anyway I still cannot watch Simon Cowell destroy people in front of an audience in such a moronic fashion . I Hate it.. so will never be a real avid fan of this programme and it's predictable format. Enjoy the vids though.
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