Last night I went to Camden Underworld in London to see Polish band Riverside play their first U.K. London gig. As I have said before their recordings are quite brilliant and innovative.
Predictably the small venue was packed with Polish fans or the inquisitive (not too sure) but there were quite a few British as well !! As an aside, I have to say that some of the punters appeared to need a good wash and to learn where the deodorant shelf is at Boots ! OMG the whiff from some pushing their way through the crowd took your breath away !
Anyway, the gig. It was mediocre, the sound was less than good and the venue did nothing to facilitate shorter persons, in other words if you were 6 foot or more tall you pushed your way to the front and obscured everyone else's vision. It always makes me laugh that tall people don't have the gumption or manners to realise that short at the front, tall at the back means everyone gets a look in. Oh well.
We drove 300 miles to get a glimpse of this band who have massive potential, were bitterly disappointed and left halfway through to go and have a drink in Old Compton Street, Soho where there was a lot of colourful people and there was a true buzz about the place, which was more than can be said about Camden Underworld.
Just a word for the band...choose a better venue for London next time... The Mean Fiddler for instance or even a Carling Academy somewhere...they are made to give the punter an enjoyable listening experience.
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