Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cyndi Lauper / Jessie / Ane Brun

There have been three things I have discovered in the past 24 hrs which has blown my socks off !

1) I saw Cyndi Lauper playing at the Guildhall, Southampton last night (see pic) and she was an absolute knock out , such a star ! Her songs were brilliant right from real rockers to the beauty of the amazing "True Colours". If you get a chance go and see Cyndi . . a true legend.

2) I discovered for the first time a truly amazing young woman who was supporting Cyndi . Jessie ! OMG the voice on her ! Catch this link . . Live she was sensational . . Go catch her somewhere, you will not be disappointed !

3) Have you all been wondering who it was singing "True Colours" on the new Sky HD advert ? Well here comes the gen. . . Her name is Ane Brun , Norwegian born and what a beautiful singer, atmospheric songs is not in it, so many influences . . hints of Bjork everywhere but not so quirky if you know what I mean. Check her out she is sensational.

In the immortal words of Celine Dion " All three women are "Ossum".


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