Friday, March 23, 2007

Sleasy Jet

I have just been to pick up some friends from a provincial airport and whilst I was waiting for their flight to arrive I had a butchers round.

What struck me was the ghastly colour orange of the Easy Jet uniform.. it was very cheap looking and where staff had washed those beautiful (sic) orange quilted jackets they had faded and looked very council house'ish which went well with the majority of staff who were the equivalent of Poundstretcher in terms of store heirarchy. Marks and Spencer or House of Fraser they were most certainly not.

Now after travelling a lot from major airports and coming into contact with the likes of British Airways, Lufthansa and Virgin whose ground staff and flight crews always look immaculately turned out, the shabby looking Easy Jet mob were an eye opener. Even the attempt to design a uniform that was more up to date i.e. trousers that looked like jeans and matching shirt looked a disaster with so many fat little backsides walking around fighting to get out of them !!

No wonder the major airlines are fighting to keep low cost airlines out of major airports, it would definitely be a retrograde step in the elegance stakes.

Go to Heathrow and have a look at the staff uniforms of say Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Gulf Air and compare, there is no contest.

Most people say "well yeah, you get what you pay for, after all". Yes and that is I expect an airline that fits in well with the droves of boozed up girls going for a short Hen break abroad and making a fool of themselves. Give me a more expensive flight (well not that much more expensive - check it out sometime) with a major airline any day.


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