Sunday, April 08, 2007

Any Dream Will Do

Well, we watched it last night and our two hopefuls didn't make it through ! Then what do we know ? It was tough to watch the emotion amongst the guys. Zoe was at it again, comforting the distraught and Denise was shedding buckets of tears as one by one they broke down and pleaded for a chance.

This was T.V. in the raw and supercharged at that !! Don't mistake this for another reality T.V. show cause it aint no Big Brother by any stretch of the imagination. No contest Channel 4, pick up your cesspit and move on !!

If I am to make a comment about the ones who got through it is to say we did not warm to Seamus, who had a side to him but couldn't put our finger right on it. Personality wise... hmmmm! If an unknown quantity is to get the part then Rob deserves it, he was a nice bloke. If another outsider should be in there it's Johndeep who despite the prejudices and cultural constraints on him from his origins gave it his all. Oh, and Chris is a good bet cause he has brilliant teeth. Well, wouldn't you have if your dad was a dentist.

We will keep watching.


Blogger danceteacher said...

I agree with you about Seamus, I was thinking the same thing without realising it but there is something about him

It's hard to tell who will shine through until we see more of the real stuff, but I really hope Rob does well.

Being a big Joseph fan, I created a new blog of it's very own for Any Dream Will Do (sorry I couldn't figure out the html so the link's in my ID).

4:03 am  

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