I have just watched the film Mugabe and the White African on T.V. which tells the legal battle undertaken by Zimbabwean white farmer Mike Campbell and his family to stop that despot Robert Mugabe from snatching their paid for farm under the guise of Land Reform.
It was a shocking film not least of all for the violence dished out by Mugabe's henchmen to Mike Campbell, his wife and son in law Ben who suffered a fractured skull just because they had dared to go to an international court. Watch it if you want to get first hand knowledge of the true situation in Zimbabwe.
From a personal viewpoint, I find it really frustrating that Mugabe is still walking around in Zimbabwe due to a corrupt election which he lost, dishing out daily violence to those who oppose him and causing terrible suffering to the population through a bankrupt economy.
What is also evident is the Mugabe henchmen are still at it in virtual space. Almost every review or comment on this film you find on the web has a response from an apology for a Mugabe sidekick who goes under the pseudonym of "Christian Allard" who spouts on about colonialism, British Empire Captain Campbell, intimating Mike Campbell snatched the farm (which incidentally he paid for on a loan and gave work to 500 mainly black workers) and other inflammatory clap trap. Yawn ! On every posting he tries desperately to put up a defence for what is not defensible.
Watch the film and judge for yourself. One thing's for sure, racism is not the sole domain of white people! There seems a case here for some sort of International intervention as the black community in Africa , and in particular South Africa, seem powerless or disinclined to do anything.
Oh and by the way, once the international court found on behalf of Mike Campbell Mugabe had their farm set on fire and burned it to the ground. How unexpected was that then !