Smoke Free England

I sympathise with smokers who have a right to do what they want with their own health, but frankly guys, you have no right to tamper with mine o.k. Nuff said.
However, now we have to suffer a spin off from this new Legislation ...Crowds standing on the pavements outside of drinking/eating places blocking the way for pedestrians, blowing their smoke over all who try and squeeze by and littering the pavement with cigarette ends. It's pretty disgusting actually.
Progressive pubs with small outside back areas have already made provision for smoking areas, some undercover and some with the proper receptacles for cigarette ends. Sadly, the likes of Yates Wine Bar and Wetherspoons which are mainly on high streets, do not appear to have made any such arrangements whatsoever, or in fact cannot because of outside space restrictions.
So folks, there you have it. One problem tackled and another one created as a result. Sometimes problem solving is not thought right through to the end. If you happen to be involved in an incident which damages your safety and health as a result of crowds of smokers spilling onto the pavement from drinking houses I would personally sue the pants off the landlord, particularly if it's a national chain ( you stand more chance of a pay out from a Plc than an individual) and then I would go for the local Council who is responsible for the pavement.