
Just a bit of a warning really. I have been using a free version of LimeWire to download the odd music track when I have received a recommendation about a band from a friend. It's basically just so I can hear what they are like.
My chance to talk about things I like and dislike, speed cameras, political correctness, rock music, religion, persecution of indigenous people, gay issues, the environment, films, TV, life in the U.K., equestrianism,travel.. oh and me !!
So Davina Whiteman (seen on the left in the picture) has been re-elected as Chairman of Ponies UK. At last some sense has prevailed in the P UK debacle ! Well done Davina.
Jon Phillips has resigned from the board in a fit of pique and in the immortal words of Catherine Tate " Face bovered, bovered face ... am I bovered ?"
Davina said very graciously in Horse and Hound this week she was "disappointed" by Jon Phillips's decision to step down after three years with P(UK), but was "very excited" about the four new board members who joined the organisation at the AGM on 19 November. Very nicely put Davina when reading between the lines you must have really meant "good riddance" !!
On reflection then, perhaps it is time that Ponies UK did move on and if in the process they dump their real unwanted baggage, then so be it.
I wish good luck to you and your fellow Board members Davina. Perhaps Ponies UK can really move on now and continue to flourish for the benefit of all horse and pony lovers throughout the U.K. A challenge ahead ? No doubt, but one that I am sure your enthusiasm and dedication can cope with.
Christmas is nearly here and the streets will soon be buzzing with numerous organisations shaking their collecting tins. The competition will be fierce to get some of your loose change but I would ask you to spare a special thought for the brilliant work done by the "Salvos".
Think of all those homeless individuals who will be thankful for the smile and the meal they will get from the multitude of volunteers working for the Salvation Army. Think of the battered and abused women who are fleeing their homes with their children to escape the violence they are subjected to on a daily basis and will be grateful for the refuge that will bring some peace into their horrendous lives. Yep, there will be stiff competition out there but just remember when you reach into your deep pocket.. the Salvation Army are at it 24/7.. 365 days of the year so PLEASE give generously to them this Christmas. You will at least be certain where your hard earned money will go. Thank you very much.