Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Indian Summer
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Great Unwashed
HM Revenue and Customs National Insurance Contributions Office
I have just received a letter from HM Revenue and Customs telling me that I have a shortfall in my NI contributions of £371.80 for the year 6th April 2004 to 5th April 2005.
I was actually gobsmacked because this could not possibly be true as I have been in full time employment all during that period and it is illegal and basically impossible for my employer not to pay my NI contributions.
When I enquired further with my employer I was told.. Oh, ignore it. They have just changed computers in Bristol and loads of people have received similar letters and it is incorrect.
Ignore it ? Why should I ignore it? It was a letter stating I owed money which I don't and I have to understand this because it's only another failure in the implementation of a Government Social Security computer system !! How many more I.T. systems have to fail which have cost us, me and you, hundreds of £millions recently.
What a waste of tax payers money and on top of this it has cost loads of money to post all these farcical letters, yours and mine hard earned cash.
It makes my blood boil !!!!! In the immortal words of Catherine Tate " What a f- - -ing liberty !!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Madonna and the adoption
Still, good luck Madge, if it is a means to an end why should you be treated any different.
Davina Whiteman
Telephone calls home from Iraq and Afghanistan
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Speed Scameras and the buckets of money to be made !
British Troops Should Pull Out Of Iraq Soon
So says Chief of the general staff of the British Army, General Richard Dannatt. Controversial maybe, but he could be right. Of course, the consequences of such a withdrawal may be catastrophic for the ordinary Iraqi people who have suffered for thirty odd years under a Saddam dictatorship and who now look forward to some sort of democratic freedom.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Further Leave To Remain
Recently we have had the OFT telling Banks that they should reduce their punitive charges for going overdrawn, which in general lie around the £30.00 mark.